For each copy sold the author receives 20% percent of the price listed at the My Book bookstore.
The price of the book is determined by the publisher, although we respect also author's suggestions.
The book is recorded as "sold" after receiving full payment from the client and shipping the book to him.
Each author has an online access to the current sales statements (as shown in a screenshot given below):
We offer a "payment on demand" system. When the royalty you have earned exceeds 100 z³, you can ask for immediate payment or wait until you gather a larger sum. We pay the royalties by PayPal or MoneyBookers
The basic currency for royalties is Polish z³oty (PLN) - in your sales report it is given in brackets. The royalty payment is made in the currency chosen by the author (USD, EUR, GBP or PLN).
According to the Polish tax law the publisher is obliged to withhold an income tax of 20%.
Mogłaś być Anną Aleksandra Mak
The interview with author in Rejsy (the supplement to Dziennik Bałtycki): Odskocznia
Krew i ogień Alf Soczyński
Book reviews
- in "Kurier Brzeski" no 32 from 10.09 and in Breslau "Gazeta Południowa" no 9 from 16 September
- in AKANT literary magazine, December 2009
- "Wiadomości Wąbrzeskie" weekly from 5 February 2010
- "Extra Powiśle" weekly from 12 February 2010
Jak zostać tekściarzem, czyli nauka pisania tekstów piosenek Michał Kozłowski