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Paper books and ebooks
Manuscript and cover preparation
The manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the editorial requirements given below. The simplest way to do it is to use one of our templates. If your document doesn't contain complicated formatting, tables, graphs or figures, you can submit it as a Word or Open Office file. Otherwise you should convert it to a ps or pdf file to ensure your graphics are placed where you want them and printed as expected in the published book.

The book block

  • Page 1 (title page)
    This page contains the full title and subtitle (if any), author's name, publisher's logo
  • Page 2:
    An imprint, edition number, year of publication, copyright note, ISBN number.
    Pages 1 and 2 are not numbered.
YOUR BOOK CAN CONTAIN (in a sequence proposed below)
  • Dedication or acknowledgements - on the odd page, after title page.
  • Motto
  • Preface
  • The main text
  • Contents
  • Bibliography
  • Annotations
  • List of abbreviations
  • List of tables, maps, figures
  • The book can contain black and white graphics - vector or 300 dpi bitmap (jpg, tiff). If possible, try to avoid large black areas in your illustrations.The graphics should be embedded in text.
  • You can also include color pages, but only at the end of the book.
  • Marginesy - nale¿y wybraæ opcjê marginesy lustrzane, wymiary w mm:
      A4 (210 x 297)
    B5 (170 x 240)
    (148 x 210)
    (105 x 148)
    top and bottom: 20 20 15
    outer: 20 18 15
    inner: 20 20 20

  • Imprint (page 2) - fill out the fields required in template
  • Main text - font: Times New Roman 11,5 pt, line spacing: exactly 13,25 pt, justified.
  • Dedication or acknowledgements - italics recommended
  • Motto - font 1-2 pts larger that in the main text
  • Dash: use Ctrl+minus from numeric keybord (or Alt + 0150). The difference between dash and hyphen is as follows:
    - hyphen is the shortest line "-" and it links words e.g. after-shave, e-mail. It is not separated with a space from the neighbouring words.
    - dash is a longer line "—" and separates thoughts or clauses within a sentence. It is separated with a space from the neighbouring words.
  • Dialogue: You should just format dialogs according to the convention used in your country. There are two most common types of dialogue punctuation:
    - the use of a dash on the first line of a new dialogue section to mark its beginning
    - the use of quotation marks
  • The paragraphs should be indented by 0.8 cm.
  • New chapters should begin on a new page


  • paperback - full color
  • hard - full color
    Covers are laminated with glossy film.
The book cover is created based upon the directions you provided on your order form. You can:
Igranie życiem
Igranie życiem
Zdzisław Adamiec

The interview with author: Pisarz rozwiÄ…zuje kryminalnÄ… historiÄ™
- BECZKA magazine no 197 from 25 June 2008 published the report of the author meeting with readers in the Public Library in Opole, written by Romuald kulik, entitled Igranie z życiem w MBP.
Słońce i konie
Słońce i konie
Magdalena Madej

The book review has been published in "Koń Polski" monthly magazine (nr 12/2007)
Kraków, Moskwa i Meksyk
Kraków, Moskwa i Meksyk
Stanisław Raczyński

Book fragments at Jourmalistic Review Czasami siadam i myślę, ale częściej tylko siadam…
Kuchnia meksykańska
Chinese Hunting
Chinese Hunting
Anni Kylemehr
Amor fati. Pokochać Przeznaczenie
Amor fati. Pokochać Przeznaczenie
Klaudia Winiarska
..."znaczy, czerwony pajÄ…k"...
Andrew Beniger
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