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Paper books and ebooks


Which ebook formats are available?

Most of the ebooks are available in three formats:
However, some of them, generally due to complex formatting (tables, graphs, mathematical formulas) are only available as pdf.

How to buy?

The books available also as ebooks are have additional cart icon: koszyk ebooka. All information about how to get purchased ebook are sent at the email address given during the registration process

How to open?

Ebooks can be open by the Acrobat Reader program (version 7.0 or higher). All ebooks are secured against illegal reproduction. Copying and printing are disabled. In order to read purchased ebook, the proper certificate must be installed. It needs to be done only once - by the first purchase of ebook in our bookstore.

After clicking on the certificate icon certificate open it by pressing Open button (Internet Explorer) or OK button (Firefox). Click Next in subsequent windows. A password needed during certificate installation is provided by e-mail together with the download link.

If you have any doubts use the picture instruction below (click to enlarge):
Downloading the certificate:
Downloading the certificate (Internet Explorer)
Downloading the certificate (Firefox)
Installation (1/6)
Installation (2/6)
Installation (3/6)
Installation (4/6)
Completion (5/6)
Completion (6/6)

After clicking on the certificate icon certificate and saving it on the disk storage, open the Acrobat Reader program and load the certificate using Document » Security Settings » Add ID from menu.

Picture instruction (click to enlarge):
Certificate downloading and saving
Loading from the disk storage
Giving the password

Sample ebooks with certificate

- fragment Quo Vadis?, Henryk Sienkiewicz ebook
- fragment Three Men in a Boat, Jerome K. Jerome ebook
Certificate: certificate, password: test

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