Terrorism in the 21st century in the light of law
Dominika Dróżdż
Publisher: | My Book |
Size, pages: | A5 (148 x 210 mm), 142 pages |
Book cover: | soft |
Publication date: | July 2018 |
Category: | Economics, Business, Law |
35.00 zł
35.00 zł
Table of contents
Preface 6
1. Preliminary Considerations 7
2. ISIS activities against states and individuals 20
3. ISIS activities vs. legal instruments against terrorism 38
4. Special Tribunal for Lebanon vs. the International Criminal Court 51
5. Targeted killings being subject to international public and international criminal liability 57
6. The Statute of the International Criminal Court vs. Targeted Killings 69
7. India within the context of terrorism, international crimes, Security Council and International Criminal Court 85
8. Nuclear weapons versus North Korea and observance of public international law regarding the non-use of nuclear weapons 95
9. Proposal of a new definition of ‘comprehensive terrorism’111
10. Summary 123
List of references 126
Legal acts and jurisprudence 140