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Terrorism and terroristic act in the world in the light of law
Terrorism and terroristic act in the world in the light of law
Dominika Dróżdż
Wydawca:My Book
Format, stron: A5 (148 x 210 mm), 105 str.
Rodzaj okładki: miękka
Data wydania:  maj 2019
Kategoria: ekonomia, biznes, prawo
33.00 zł
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Table of contents

List of major abbreviations:
1 The concept of ‘terrorism’
2 Selected legal acts on terrorism
2.1 Document from 1919
2.2 Document from 1926 under the auspices of the International Association of Criminal Law
2.3 Documents created under the auspices of the League of Nations
2.4 The Geneva Conventions created after the Second World War
2.5 UN Conventions
2.6 UN Security Council Resolution No. 1373 of 2001
2.7 Resolution of the Security Council No. 1566 of 2004
2.8 Resolution of the Security Council No. 1540 (2004)
and Rolution of the Security Council No. 1624 (2005)
2.9 Resolution of the General Assembly (51/210) of 1996
3 Prohibition of terrorism in selected countries
3.1 General remarks
3.2 India
3.3 United States of America
3.4 United Kingdom
3.5 Poland
4 Prevention of terrorism and attempts to introduce international legal acts against terrorism
4.1 General remarks
4.2 Prevention of terrorism
4.3 The question of targeted killings
5 Elements of the act of terrorism, circumstances excluding criminal liability
5.1 General remarks
5.2 Forms of committing terroristic acts
5.3 Circumstances excluding criminal liability due to
lack of unlawfulness or guilt
6 Terroristic acts and International Criminal Courts or Criminal Tribunals with an international element
6.1 General remarks
6.2 Terroristic acts and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
6.3 Terroristic acts and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
6.4 Terroristic acts and the Special Tribunal for Sierra Leone
6.5 Terroristic acts and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon
6.6 Terroristic acts of crime and the International Criminal Court
List of references
Legal acts
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